Spring Preparation Checklist for Your HVAC System

Spring Preparation Checklist for Your HVAC System

Spring is officially here! As the weather starts to get warmer, you will need to switch your HVAC system to the cooling mode. We strongly recommend that you perform a thorough inspection of your system around this time. Your system might run with some issues but left unchecked, even a minor issue can have a big impact on the lifespan of your system. To ensure that your system is ready to keep you cool all summer, and to maximize the lifespan of the whole system, we recommend routine checkups. Some of these checkups can be done by yourself, but the easiest way to ensure that your system is in tune is to have it inspected by a professional. For your convenience, we have listed some of the best tips to keep things in check.

  1. Change your Air Filter: In most air conditioning systems, the air filter is the first (and often only) line of defense against air pollutants in your home. A good air filter will capture most of the harmful air pollutants, and substantially increase the indoor air quality in your house. However, it is important to note that over time the air filter will be filled with the particles captured from the air, and after a certain point, it will no longer be able to hold out these pollutants. Moreover, as the particles accumulate, they clog the filter, decreasing the airflow that the filter can let through. Therefore, it is important to regularly change your air filter to ensure that your HVAC system can work at its maximum capacity and provide you with pure fresh air.


Changing the air filter is usually a very straightforward process, but it is important that it is done right. If you intend to change your air filter yourself, please be sure to do sufficient research beforehand and follow the proper steps in the process. As always, if you have any doubts, our experts at Air DMV are here to assist you all year long.


  1. Inspect the whole system: It is always a good idea to regularly inspect the system and note any irregularities or possible issues.
  • Check your air duct registers for dust build-up. This is often a sign that you need a professional duct cleaning service.
  • Listen to your system as it is running. Any unusual noise should be inspected by a professional to ensure that your system is properly tuned up.
  • Check all the pipes and wires connected to your HVAC system for signs of rust or wear and tear.
  • Check the registers that supply air into your home. When the system is on cooling the air coming out of the system should be substantially cooler than the ambient air temperature (ideally around 20ºF cooler). The lower efficiency means that your system will have to work overtime to keep your house cool. That means unnecessary wear and tear on your system and increased energy costs for the whole house. So, if your system is not providing cool enough air, it is always worth finding out why.


  1. Switch to a smart thermostat: Smart thermostats come in a wide range of variety, but most of them share many common features. They are usually quite user-friendly and easy to program. They usually get connected to the internet through your Wi-Fi system, allowing you to conveniently control the system through your phone.

Smart thermostats may be priced higher than regular thermostats, but if used properly, they can help you save a lot in energy costs.

  1. Schedule a maintenance visit with us:  Our expert technicians at Air DMV are ready to perform thorough inspections of your system and provide you with adequate recommendations to keep your system in the best shape possible. In addition to all the pointers mentioned above, our technicians follow a 25-step inspection procedure to ensure that your system is thoroughly evaluated. Based on the results of the inspection our technicians will provide you with their expert advice on the best course of action to take care of your HVAC system.